September 15-16, 2020

International Conference on

International conference on (RDHR-2020)


Conference Information

During the worldwide lockdown due to COVID 19 pandemic, a lot of important activities have come to a halt. However, when we look at the brighter side, all of us have more time for adding to our knowledge and insights.

With this aim, to keep contributing to learning and motivation International research and development Center for publication is going to organize a two-day International Conference with the title "Rural Development and Health Research (RDHR-2020)" on Sept 15-16, 2020 through online mode.

We hope, this online mode of the conference in COVID-19 pandemic will be an appreciable step in promoting the research activities and new information between researchers, developers, students, academicians and practitioners working in and around the world by keeping the social distance in view to stop the spread of COVID-19 disease. This conference aims is to present the current researches being carried out in the field of social science and education development around the globe.

Prospective authors from academia as well as industry are invited to submit their abstracts that illustrate original/unpublished works and industrial applications describing advances and significant innovations in the field.

Author Guidelines

The conference will be in the virtual mode through Microsoft Team/ Webex/ zoom app/google meet etc. The author needs to send a PowerPoint presentation before the conference date.  After the conference, we will provide the soft copy of the certificate to each author and co-author with the conference souvenir issue with the ISBN.

Click here to download Format of Abstract.

Click here to submit Abstract Online.

Contact E-mail id for any Query and Abstract Submission:

Important Dates

Last Date of Abstract Submission:

Sept 12, 2020

Acceptance Notification:

Within the 7 days of submission 

Conference Date:

Sept 15-16, 2020

After the conference, Quality full-length manuscripts will be published in the SCOPUS indexed / REFEREED / CAPES-A2 / UGC-CARE International Journals with the DOI number.

For the publication in the journal, the editor can ask to revise the paper or can suggest the modification in the paper, which is submitted to the conference committee.

List of Peer-reviewed/ Refereed Journals are:

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) CAPES-A2. Print ISSN: 2349-6495, Online ISSN: 2456-1908, Website:
  • Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED).  Online ISSN: 2581-8651, Website:
  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management, and Science (IJAEMS). Online ISSN: 2454-1311, Website:
  • International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research. Online ISSN: 2456-8678.
  • International Journal of Forest, Animal, and Fisheries Research. Online ISSN: 2456-8791.
  • International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food Science. Online ISSN: 2456-8635.
  • International Journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Online ISSN: 2456-866X.
  • International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research. Online ISSN: 2456-8015.
  • International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management. Online ISSN: 2456-7817

Important Dates

Last Date of Abstract Submission September 12, 2020

Acceptance NotificationWithin 7 days of submission

Conference DateSeptember 15-16, 2020


Abstract Format